How to disable ads in Xiaomi (and other Android) smartphones? A few simple steps and you're done!


How to disable ads from MIUI in Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO phone? Our short tutorial will tell you how to block the display of so-called proposals from the software of Xiaomi smartphones. It's very easy! I will also tell you how to get rid of ads from any Android phone. See more:

Few people like ads (I even hate them, because most of them are weak), especially when they are displayed on our smartphones or other electronic devices. Usually this problem occurs when a Trojan appears on the phone, but sometimes manufacturers put them in the interface themselves.

This applies mainly to tiny companies from far Asia, but not only - a key example is Xiaomi, which earns in this way, because with the (often) low prices of phones on the hardware does not earn coconuts. Some of the best-priced smartphones on the market is not the result of chance. 

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Fortunately, ads are often not in the software in Europe, or you can easily get rid of them. If you don't know how to remove ads (called proposals) from your Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO phone, you've come to the perfect place.

Before I get to the point, a little description of my adventures with Xiaomi ads. Over the past few months I tested several phones of the Chinese manufacturer. All worked under the control of MIUI Global and region set to Poland. The strange thing is that on some of them proposals were enabled by default (Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro or POCO X3 Pro), and on others not (Xiaomi Mi 11 or POCO X3 NFC).

I have no idea what this is due to. However, this situation may explain why some users see ads on their Xiaomi/Redmi/POCO phone and others do not.

How to remove ads from Xiaomi?

To get rid of ads from Xiaomi, you first need to follow two basic steps. One of them appears already at the device setup stage. When the settings panel appears, uncheck the option to personalize ads. At one time, this one thing was enough to get the whole thing done.

If you're already after setting up your phone, fear not - you can withdraw your consent to personalization at any time. You choose Settings > Passwords & Security > Privacy > Ad Services > Personalized Ad Suggestions and uncheck.

There's also an Authorization and Override section under Passwords and Security, where we'll do the second basic step. Here we uncheck authorization for msa, which is responsible for some of the suggestions.

After getting rid of ms, we will not see promoted apps in the More apps and Games folders. This can also be done manually - click on the folder name and uncheck the Promoted apps.

By the way, you can consider deauthorizing MiuiDeamon. This application collects data about our use, which is then used by Xiaomi, for example, in updates (as other companies). The manufacturer ensures that all information about us is safe and, above all, no sensitive data are collected.

After disabling msa and MiuiDeamon I have not observed any problems in operation. If you experience any, just let these applications run again.

Disabling ads in Xiaomi applications

The vast majority of ads/proposals appear in Xiaomi's proprietary apps: Control Panel, Cleaner, Music, Browser, etc. 

In principle, it is nothing as annoying as, for example, the startup ads on YouTube, which lately are getting longer and longer and can not always be skipped. However, I do not consider their presence as a desirable phenomenon, because I remind that we have already paid for the phone.

Fortunately, ads in Xiaomi applications can be turned off. The scheme is the same for each application. We run it, go into the settings marked with a cogwheel icon and uncheck Receive proposals (it is supposed to be different from the screenshot below). I show an example on the Control Panel:

One more thing - the suggestions also appear when applications are scanned during installation. To get rid of them, just install something from Google Play and then follow the same procedure as for Xiaomi apps.

How to block ads in Android phones?

Speaking of ads, by the way, I will suggest how you can get rid of them in any Android phone. I have two suggestions, one of which does not force you to install an external application.

The first tool is a program called Block This! It used to be available in the Google Play store, but the giant decided to remove it, like many other ad blockers. However, it can be downloaded from the developers' website or APKPure.

I used Block This! myself for a long time and I see no reason not to trust this application, but as always you install it at your own risk. The operation of the program is simple - it simulates a VPN and it rejects requests to display ads. The producer assures that it has no access to our data and does not collect any information.

Unfortunately, on some phones Block This! does not work as it should, because it completely blocks access to the Internet. 

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